Order & Processing Time?
All orders are processed and shipped within 1-2 business days.
Orders within the USA are shipped with USPS priority mail. (Typically 2-3 business days)
International orders can be shipped with USPS priority mail (Typically 6-10 business days) Or FedEx. Depending on the shipping option you select.
An order confirmation email containing your tracking number will be sent to you after your order has been shipped.
Please note we do not process or ship orders over the weekend or the U.S. observed holidays.
Shipping and delivery.
Packages are delivered to customer’s MAIL BOX. Please check your mailbox for your delivery.
For all further questions about your package/shipment after it’s been shipped out of our warehouse. Please contact USPS directly.
USPS DOMESTIC : 877-747-6249
HARRIET'S ONLINE STORE is not responsible for lost or stolen packages that have a confirmed delivery to the address entered for an order. Upon inquiry,HARRIET'S ONLINE STORE will confirm delivery to the provided address, date of delivery, tracking information and shipping carrier information for the customer to investigate.
Once the item leaves our warehouse the package and its contents become the responsibility of the receiver and all or any claims need to be submitted to the Post Office or delivery service responsible for delivery. Please verify your ship to address and have your package delivered to a safe location that you will receive.
What happens if customer provides a wrong or incomplete address to us?
If you provide a wrong or insufficient address (e.g missing apartment number) the post office will send the item back to our office. In the event that this happens, you will be responsible for the shipping cost USA: ( $8.40 ) , International: (Based on country's current shipping rates) incurred to re-ship the item back to your correct address again.
If a customer provides a WRONG ADDRESS and such an order gets lost or delivered to the address provided by the customer, We will not be responsible for such a mistake and you order value will not be refunded because your order was shipped to the address provided to us by the customer.
Thank You
Harriet's Online Store